The Whistler Volume 8 (2014)

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HBOC acknowledges the support of Hunter Local Land Services in the printing of The Whistler 8.

Table of Contents

Title Authors Pages PDF
Editorial PDF
Channel-billed Cuckoos performing a previously undescribed courtship display S. Merrett 61-62 PDF
Cattle Egret – a brief note on the fourth consecutive breeding event at Gloucester, NSW P. Drake-Brockman 60-61 PDF
Observations of a Regent Honeyeater performing mimicry of a Little Wattlebird M. Roderick 58-59 PDF
Observation of a White-bellied Sea-Eagle taking submerged seabird prey M. Roderick 56-57 PDF
Up-down display of Black-necked Stork at Hexham Swamp, Hunter Wetlands National Park, NSW R. Warnock 54-55 PDF
Book Review – An Atlas of the Birds of NSW and the ACT, Volume 1 N. Fraser 51-53 PDF
Birds of the Black Rock area near Martins Creek in the Hunter Valley (1999 – 2013) M. Newman 39-50 PDF
Fairy Martin – is it declining in the Hunter? M. Newman and A. Lindsey 33-38 PDF
Worimi Conservation Lands bird surveys (2009 – 2013) A. Lindsey and M. Newman 23-32 PDF
Early Hunter Region avian records Part 3. A review of historical data about shorebirds in the Hunter Estuary A. Stuart 10-22 PDF
The birds of Wirrumbirra, Laguna D. Raine 1-9 PDF