Please Note
Whether you are renewing your membership or you wish to apply to join HBOC, please fill out the following details. Don’t forget to also make an EFT payment from your bank account to our account as your membership will not become valid until after you have done so. Our banking details are on the bottom of the page.
Once you have completed this form you MUST click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page.
If you have any queries regarding membership please contact the Membership Secretary,
From 31 March 2025 the Club’s membership fees will increase. This is the first increase in over 10 years and will assist in the Club’s ongoing administration costs.
Family $50, single $40, student $12.
Current members and prospective members are encouraged to join before 31 March.
New members and renewing members doing so after 31 March will pay the new fees.
Currently financial members don’t pay new fees until membership falls due in December 2025.
Your Newsletter
Each issue of the E-News will be sent to your email address.
Fees are currently set at $35 single, $40 family, Student $10 and $5 for junior (under 18 years old) members.
Annual membership fees are due on January 1st and may be paid by INTERNET TRANSFER to:
Greater Building Society,
BSB 637 000.
Account Number: 782260316
Account Name: Hunter Bird Observers Club
Fees may also be paid directly to the Treasurer at any club night (but note that there is no club night in January!) or you can download a membership form below and post it to:–
The Treasurer,
Hunter Bird Observers Club,
PO Box 24,
New Lambton NSW 2305,
Download a PDF version of the membership form
Club membership fees are due on 1st January. Any members who have not paid their fees by June 30, being unfinancial, will have their membership lapse and so will not receive any further newsletters or mail-outs until they become financial again.