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NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committee – NSW ORAC
Hunter Region
Hunter region tourist information: Especially for visitors to our area.
BirdLife Australia: This site is the gateway to most of the Australian ornithological sites on the Internet. It includes links to other bird clubs, ornithological tour operators and special interest groups such as those concerned with shorebirds, raptors and pelagic birds. It is the site to enter your observations onto Birdata for inclusion in the ongoing atlas of Australian birds.
BirdLife Photography Australia: BirdLife Photography is the photography Special Interest Group of BirdLife Australia. Formed in 2008 its focus is to provide educational activities via the internet, with an emphasis on photography and bird identification.
Birdwatching Australia: A directory of Australian birdwatching tours, bird clubs, freelance guides, bird-orientated accommodation and reference information.
Lloyd Nielsen’s Birding Australia: Author of the Wet Tropics of Qld and the Great Barrier Reef. Field ornithologist and bird researcher, Lloyd Nielsen, is the first Queenslander to receive the prestigious J.N. Hobbs Medal, awarded in 2014 by BirdLife Australia for outstanding amateur contributions to Australasian ornithology.
NSW Field Ornithologists Club: Meetings in Sydney and on the NSW Central Coast; also activities farther afield.
NSW Bird Atlassers: State-wide focus
Cumberland Bird Observers’ Club: Birdwatching in the Sydney region.
Blue Mountains Bird Observers (BMBO)
Bird groupings
Endangered Birds: Environment Australia’s Endangered Species Program.
Birding Pal: Birders from around the world volunteer their services to help enthusiasts who visit their respective areas.
Canadian Peregrine Foundation: Lots of information on Peregrine Falcons, complete with WebCams on nesting sites. Also, the links page is worth exploring.
Tripbuzz – the Ultimate guide to bird watching
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: In the Hunter Region, Kooragang Nature Reserve and the Hunter Wetlands Centre are listed under the Convention.
Australian Plants Society: A good place to start when birdscaping your garden.
Birding-related products
Andrew Isles Natural History Books: Extensive inventory and mail order service.
Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Ornithology: Offered by Charles Sturt University for professional and serious amateur ornithologists.
Binocular Guides
Below are three useful links with information about selecting and using binoculars.
Note that HBOC does not endorse any particular manufacturer or supplier.
Birdlife Australia has two Binoculars guides.
They can be found under info sheets at the bottom right of any page.
Use the drop down arrow to select:
Golo’s easy guide to binos (2nd option)
Best Binoculars for you advanced (3rd option)
Ultimate Buying Guides – Binoculars
It’s mostly targeted at beginners and covers all the basics of choosing a good pair of in binoculars in any size.
There is a specific section for birding