Hunter Bird Observers Club Records Appraisal Committee
HBOC has its own Records Appraisal Committee (RAC) that performs various roles regarding records of birds in the Hunter Region (and not just ‘rare birds’). The RAC was formed in 1993, at the same time as the inception of the Hunter Region Annual Bird Reports. You can read more information about the HBOC RAC in the report below, which was written by Mick Roderick (Records Appraisal Officer) for the February 2014 Newsletter. HBOC RAC background information.pdf

Sightings of rare and unusual birds require completion of an Unusual Record Report Form.
The form for reporting to Hunter Bird Observers Club is: HBOC Unusual Record Report Form_2013.doc

Terms of Reference
Records Appraisal sub-committee Terms of Reference 2019.pdf

Annual RAC Reports

Annual RAC Report 2019.pdf
Annual RAC Report 2018.pdf
Annual RAC Report 2017.pdf
Annual RAC Report 2016.pdf
Annual RAC Report 2015.pdf  
Annual RAC Report 2014.pdf

Annual RAC Report 2013.pdf

NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committee – ORAC

The NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committee (NSW ORAC) was formed in the late 1980s by the major bird clubs in NSW in order to provide an impartial appraisal of rare and unusual bird sightings in NSW. The eight person Committee comprises some of NSW’s top field ornithologists with representation from Birding NSW, Illawarra Bird Observers Club, Hunter Bird Observers Club, Cumberland Bird Observers Club and NSW Bird Atlassers. NSW ORAC has a Review List of species considered sufficiently rare to require appraisal and this list does not overlap with the BirdLife Australia Rarities Committee (BARC) Review List.

Please use the forms below to submit bird sightings to ORAC for appraisal.
NSW ORAC Rules Feb 2013.pdf
NSW ORAC guidelines for submissions.pdf

The latest Unusual Records Report and Review List can now be downloaded at the new ORAC web site

Below are summaries of the annual ORAC decisions including those relevant to the Hunter Region.

NSW ORAC CASES Decided in 2024.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES Decided in 2023.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES Decided in 2022.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES Decided in 2021.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES Decided in 2020.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES Decided in 2019.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES Decided in 2018.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES decided in 2017.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES decided in 2016.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES decided in 2015.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES decided in 2014.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES decided in 2013.pdf
NSW ORAC Cases decided in 2012.pdf
NSW ORAC Cases decided in 2011.pdf
NSW ORAC CASES decided in 2010.pdf

BirdLife Australia Rarities Committee (BARC)

Below are summaries of the annual BARC decisions including any that are relevant to the Hunter Region.

BARC Decisions for NSW 2024.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2023.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2022.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2021.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2020.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2019.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2018.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2017.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2016.pdf

BARC Decisions for NSW 2015.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2014.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2013.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2012.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2011.pdf
BARC Decisions for NSW 2010.pdf