Hunter Bird Observers Club Inc. (HBOC) is acknowledged as an “expert” in bird-related issues, including conservation, in the Hunter Region. The reasons for this are many and varied: first and foremost is the committed involvement of our membership in the reporting and archiving of sightings either through the Club or through BirdLife Australia’s Birdata portal and/or in contributing to HBOC’s Annual Bird Report and/or journal, The Whistler. This means that any submissions we make on conservation issues are based on solid data.

Threatened Species in the Hunter Region

 By 2020 there were 90 species or subspecies of birds in the Hunter Region that are listed as threatened under either State or Commonwealth threatened species legislation. Only one species that occurs in the Hunter Region was added to threatened species legislation during 2019. This was the White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus, which was listed as Vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 in July.

Non-listed species receive no practical protection under state or federal legislation. The only way to draw attention to threats to their survival or to their habitat is when organisations such as HBOC inform decision-makers of the circumstances. Thus, the conservation arm of the Club remains vitally important.

If you are interested in participating in the conservation sub-committee, please contact Ann Lindsey –

For examples of submissions that HBOC has made on a variety of conservation issues Click Here