A listing of most species recorded in the Hunter Region, including their breeding status, is provided in the checklist below, which is the basis of the Annual Bird Reports for the Hunter Region. The checklist is only updated occasionally, after major changes in status etc are known to have occurred.

Hunter Region checklist (as pdf)

Lists for other areas

Dungog Area Bird List (as pdf)


If you would like to record your sightings and pass them on to the Club’s Records Officer, you can do so by downloading and printing a copy of the Bird Record Sheet. After filling out a record sheet for a site you have visited, you can either post it to: Hunter Bird Observers Club, PO Box 24, New Lambton NSW 2305, or email it to the Club’s records officer by clicking here. Another way to get your records to us is to enter them into Birdata, the national bird Atlas. We constantly check the Birdata archives for local records, and your records will also be adding to national understandings about the distribution of Australian birds. To access the Birdata site, click here.

HBOC bird record sheet (as pdf)
HBOC wader & waterbird record sheet (as pdf)
Short Form for Observations (as pdf)

You may find the following copies more convenient. They are in Word format, and after downloading they can be edited. However apart from entering your location details, observations, etc in the blank spaces, and if necessary adding extra species in the blank sections, please do not change any other parts of the sheets before submitting them.

HBOC bird record sheet (as Word)
HBOC wader and waterbird record sheet (as Word)